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Abused At Young Age

By March 4, 2018No Comments

I was abused starting at around age 2 until about three years ago. I was more mentally abused than my brother, who was slammed against walls and choked. It gave me PTSD, ODD, and major depression. I’ve cut and hit…and I’m not proud of it. I’m trying to get help, but I’m so sad all the time. I’m now dealing with other problems, such as my boyfriend’s druggie mother, bullying, and my brother’s autism. It is making me high on anxiety. I can’t help my boyfriend because we are long distance. I don’t like talking to anyone but him about my problems, and I’m still new to my brother being autistic. If anyone can give help…please comment.


  • It sounds like you’ve been more than any teen should have to endure. Rest assured there are others out there that can relate to the stress you’ve faced.
  • Taking care of yourself is paramount. Although you care for your brother’s well being, it’s important that you try to get help for the sadness you’ve been experiencing.
  • Self-harming is a dangerous cycle that tends to lead to more serious issues. It’s important that you address this problem now. You can always call the Child Help hot line at 1-800-422-4453 to speak to a professional counselor. The call is available 24/7, it’s toll-free and it’s totally confidential.
  • You boyfriend’s mother’s issues, although they may affect your boyfriend, are not your issues. Try to remain focused on those issues that you can control.
  • Check out the homepage. There you’ll find links with great resources on self-harming and bullying. Give it a try!


  • How do you feel about reaching out to an adult to discuss some of the issues you’ve been dealing with of late?
  • What options for help have you considered? Write down the pros and cons of each and evaluate.
  • What are the traits that make your boyfriend so good to talk to about this? Think about using his helpful traits as a guiding light.
  • What detours can you use to “escape” some of the stressors you’re dealing with right now? How about writing, listening to music or some kind of physical activity?