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Juggling Responsibilities

By January 15, 2018No Comments

I used to be a straight A student who loved school and life, but this year, my sophomore year of high school, things have not been looking so well. I’m barely passing a lot of my classes, and in math and science I always feel like the dumbest person alive. I think the main reason this is happening is because I’m always so tired, and when I come home all I want to do is sleep or watch Netflix. And that’s what I do even though I have 5 tests the next day and another 3 projects I need to work on. I’m also busy on weekends babysitting and I play basketball 6 days per week. From a college admissions standpoint, I’m really not doing much. I’m not even good at basketball, my grades are extremely mediocre, and I haven’t done much volunteering or anything. When I come home, I can’t bring myself to study hard; I just sit in my room and cry about being so lonely at school and watch TV on my phone in bed. So why do I even feel so burned out? I have plenty of time to do things but I just spend them doing depressing things. It has taken a toll on my social life, as well as my physical and mental health. I feel like a worthless slob all of the time, and I genuinely have no idea how it got to this point, where all motivation has just been sucked completely out of me.


  • It is very normal to feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and/or expectations, especially when thinking of college or your future.
  • Think about all that you’ve accomplished thus far and how much more you can achieve if you focus on the positive.
  • Consider doing some of the activities you mentioned, such as volunteering for a cause you like. This could make you more competitive and it could make you feel better by giving back.
  • Never sell yourself short. The things you feel are shortcomings could very well be what get to the next step in your life. Many college students and graduates do/did not have perfect grades or extracurricular activities.


  • How do you feel about speaking to a guidance counselor regarding your standing and where it may lead you for the future? There may be more waiting for you than you thought.
  • How might taking the remainder of your time in high school to work on your grades and becoming more active improve your overall outlook on things?
  • How would you advise a close friend that came to you with this exact problem? How can you take and use your own advice to your advantage?