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My Sister is Physically Abusive

By November 12, 2017No Comments

Hi. I live with an abusive family. My sister almost knocked me out and told me to kill myself. I told her I will kill myself because I’m done being abused, but too many people will miss me, like my friends. Help me please!

Consider This:

  • It sounds like you’re going through a very painful time. Rest assured other teens can relate to your situation.
  • You have the right to live free of abuse of ANY kind. If ANYONE is threatening you, causing harm to your body, causing you to live in fear, or bullying you, you need to report it.
  • Please contact your local suicide hotline and talk to them. Be honest and open about everything and find out help resources in your area.
  • Talk to your parents/guardians if you feel safe to do so. If not, talk to your friends and build a safe, supportive network around you that you can depend upon.
  • Talk to a safe person at school because they can help you. Sometimes having someone you can trust to talk to can make all the difference. You can also always contact your local Department of Human Services and talk to them too.
  • Report it to a safe person who can get you help and assistance. You have the right to be safe in your environment. NO ONE, not even family members, should ever treat you abusively!
  • You can always call the Child Help hotline at 1-800-422-4453 for someone to talk to about this situation. The call is toll-free, available 24/7 and it’s totally confidential.

Help Yourself:

  • Why is your sister being physically aggressive towards you? Could it be that someone is being harmful towards her?
  • Are your parents/guardians aware of the aggression and abuse happening to you? Do you feel safe around them?
  • Do you have a safe place to go to when you feel that you are in danger?
  • How do you feel about calling one of the help lines listed on the homepage?