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Tired, Depressed and Anxious

By November 22, 2017No Comments

I am an 18 year old girl who feels like the burden is always on me. I constantly think everything is my fault. My parents aren’t the greatest and they never have been. My mom is addicted to her prescriptions and believes everyone is after her. I used to sit and watch her feed the trash can cereal. My dad has been abusive verbally and physically, but more so verbally. The stuff he says sticks with me and brings me down. Both of my parents have made a huge impact on my life and they add to the stress of things when anyone my age should just have their support. I have a little brother who is 5 years old and I feel like I have to pick up my mother’s slack. He doesn’t deserve to suffer. I have been pushed down the stairs and chased by my father while he was intoxicated. I have a boyfriend who I have been with for three and a half years and he gives me happiness and support but sometimes I blame a lot of my problems on him when he does nothing wrong. I’m pushing him away. Who would want to deal with all that I do? My parents have never shown me unconditional love but my boyfriend has. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. My anxiety makes me overthink and ruin just about everything. Everyone tells me I need to talk to someone to feel better but I never listen. Everything just feels so messed up. I’m currently in college and it’s been hard to get up out of bed and go. I feel so lost. I just don’t know what to do anymore.


  • Not being able to rely on your parents can make you feel overwhelmed and alone. Your concern for yourself and your brother shows strength, bravery and selflessness even though you’ve been abused.
  • Mistreating children is never okay. If you need someone to talk to, head to the Teen Central website, click Help and consider calling one of the hotlines like the number for National Domestic Violence or the Crisis Textline.
  • Knowledge is power. To learn more about your issues you may click on the Learn tab then Depression and Anxiety.
  • It may be helpful to find a trusted adult or even a therapist to talk to. They may be able to give you advice about your parents and offer the support you need as a teen.
  • To get your mind off things and focus on more positive things, it could be a great idea to listen to music, create art or learn a musical instrument.
  • Being in a more positive atmosphere may make your situation more bearable. Volunteering for an organization is a great way to get inspired! A few are the Humane Society of the United States, American Red Cross and Reading is Fundamental.
  • If you are in immediate danger you may need to call the police to ensure the safety of yourself and your brother.
  • Sometimes bad situations happen to help us become more spiritual. On the Teen Central website you may click the Learn tab then Spirituality to learn more about this subject. Other spiritual activities that may be worth further consideration are prayer, meditation, yoga and attending church services.
  • Writing or creating art in a journal may be a powerful way to express your feelings and calm down.


  • What are some other activities that will allow you to stay away from the negativity as much as possible?
  • In what ways can your situation make you a stronger person and prepare you for the future?
  • In what ways can you feel safer when you have to be around your parents?