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What Does It Mean to be Bisexual?

By February 28, 2018No Comments

I’m 13, and have always liked boys, and  last year, I made a friend, by the name of “Jill.” Jill was in my gym class and I had a crush on her, and she knew. We were “lesbians” in gym, as a joke for fun, but I really liked the thought of being with her. She moved to a different state, unfortunately. But this year, I became closer with this one girl, we’ll call her “Carrie.” She’s in my math class and science class. Recently, I feel like she’s been flirting with me. However,  I don’t like her like that or have a crush on her, but I do like the idea of being with a girl, specifically, being with Jill.  My family, is 100 percent white. They don’t really respect LGBT or anything of that sort, at all. They’ll see something a little “gay” on television,  and say ‘fag’ or something stupid. It makes me sad to think that I could be bisexual and not have my family really there anymore. I’m not saying I like girls, but I’m just confused.  I still love boys but I don’t know… Help I guess. What is being bisexual?


  • What you are going through emotionally, is completely understandable, and common at your stage in life.  It’s commendable that you are taking steps to further understand your feelings in this area.
  • Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction toward both males and females. This is the simple definition. If you feel you are bisexual, take the time to sift through your feelings and understand that it is ok to feel the way you do.
  • It takes courage to be open about your sexuality. Speak with a trusted adult, or even counselor about your feelings. This will further inform your choices and would also help to feel less confused.
  • It would be helpful to read books about bisexuality or even join groups with others that are also bisexual. This would help you to understand what it means to be bisexual, the possible challenges in coming out, and how to address those challenges.
  • For more information, please go to, click on the Learn tab, then click the Sexuality tab and then click on LGBTQ. This will give you more information about gender and sexual identity.


  • What do you understand bisexuality to be?
  • How do you think you would come out to your family?
  • How would you address your family if you feel they are being insensitive to your families?
  • Who is a trusted adult that you can speak to about your feelings?